Monday, January 6, 2014

Chapter 1: How Americans View this country

Ever since World War II, Americans have been fed partisan and biased information with a false sense of security. Americans at the time have been faced with multiple forms of war propaganda, new types of media and spread of information to the public. Posters, newspaper funnies, television, pictures, one can go on and on with forms of information that has had the american people under the news and government trance of ultimate patriotism. The American people view our country based on what is being made public not by the truth.

From the time World War II was over the United States has been trying to tear down countries with economic hit men. People in which I have never heard of before. This is something also many Americans have never heard of either. This is an example as to how americans are only being told what the media and government wants them to hear. For example, John Perkins was an economic Hit Man from 1971-1981. Perkins, interviewed by Amy Goodman of Democracy now (An independent information agency and well known source for many american people) stated “Basically what we were trained to do and what our job is to do is to build up the American empire. To bring — to create situations where as many resources as possible flow into this country, to our corporations, and our government, and in fact we’ve been very successful. We’ve built the largest empire in the history of the world. It’s been done over the last 50 years since World War II with very little military might, actually”...”I accepted a half a million dollar bribe in the nineties not to write the book.”. This is shows that it was something that was happening that the American people we not aware of. Perkins was offered money to not make the subject public. Which means news agencies were not capable of sharing such, because he accepted money to not share. Even to this day it has not been made public. Click HERE for the full story.
People often confuse actual news with talk show news and entertainment. For instance, Actual news would be like your local 6 o’clock news that only produces current events and actual accounts. Talk show news entertainment would be like Hannity, or Hardball with Chris Matthews. The difference is that Actual news gives actual accounts and information of major events of the day or recent past. Entertainment news like Hannity, interviews people of little to no relevance in compare to other issues. Also entertainment news only broadcasts who and what they want to broadcast. 
One big lie that was told by the Government or different news agencies was that the U.S. stock market is in great shape and is poised to soar to new heights in 2012. The Honest truth of what people may not have known was “Investors yanked money out of U.S. equity mutual funds for a ninth-consecutive week despite a bullish 2012 outlook from Wall Street and a December rally that’s carried over into the New Year.”  Another example is “The old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are bad for the environment and it is a good thing that the federal government is requiring that they be phased out.” This is another thing that the media has been pumping out to their viewers. The truth behind that is the new CFL light bulbs are filled with mercury and if broken can harm the environment and humans. All of these are perfect examples of things people may have heard from the government and/or media and either aren’t told the whole story or simply given the 100% truth about things.
In total, American’s have been either lied to or fed with glasses half empty. The stories being pumped into the American society by the mass media doesn’t compare to the first hand and eye witness accounts. If the media would only give facts and non-opinion based or biased information even since WWII, Societies views wouldn’t be the same as they are now. The American government wouldn’t be butting heads today and people wouldn’t be having barber shop conversations about whether or not they think it’s right if the united states should commit to air strikes. Maybe if people knew the 100% truth even if it “hurts” they would take some sort of action and actually change the government as the founding fathers would have wanted it to be. The American public is what matters. Why not give them the truth?


Chapter 2: Democracy, Music and Education

In society people think that every citizen is actively participating in their county’s government and decisions. Little do they know, there are smaller things that influence and help them make decisions. Certain things like social media, friends, TV, and radio shows. The most influential of them all is music. One of the most influential musicians in today’s industry is Jay-Z which has a large play in the music and political industry.
Now and days teens are seduced into the realm of influential music. Different types of music can even alter the moods of teens. Music now has kids doing outrageous things. A lot of people listen to music or a certain music to coincide with how they are feeling. Music has more influential power than even some of the worlds most powerful leaders.

The rapper Jay-z has a net worth of about 500 million dollars. He also has played a role and worked with president Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign. Jay-Z is looked up to by millions of people around the world as a financial and music mogul that dominates the industry. With millions of followers and a widely heard voice rapper Jay-z can simply put a political rap into one of his CD’s and make it catchy, then have millions of people listen to it and follow what he is saying and vote for who he thinks is a great candidate. Having Jay-Z at some of Obama’s speeches and saying the presidents name in some of his music is a terrific smart political move. 

People tend to think like, “Hey i’m going to vote for Obama because he seems like not a bad guy.” Little do they know they have the president’s name and whole campaign positively instilled in their minds. Jay-z’s friend and fellow rapper Kanye West said in his song “To the world” on his rap group G.O.O.D music’s only album Cruel Summer , “these n*ggas tryna hold me back, i’m just trying to protect my stacks mitt Romney, don’t pay no tax, Mitt Romney, don’t pay no tax”. 

The modern day Teen is easily influenced by the music they listen to. People also know that our childen and teens are our future. Being influenced at such a young age by something that may be so inacurate can influence them in the future. With some teens having a more one track mind it leaves no room for exposure and intake. Being exposed to more factual things and the process of intaking such facts and understanding them. Then to regurgitate the facts or even add on. The basis to most or all political knowledge must be facts. 

The well known Oxford Dictionary defines "Democracy" as "a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives".